Friday, October 25, 2013


You may have noticed a name change. I was receiving a lot of spam on the old facebook page and it was getting quite frustrating. I realized instead I'd just start over and create a new page instead of dealing with the same. My old name had a bit of old ties to it so I decided to pick something more ME. It's refreshing and I love it. I hope you all approve. The blog is the same, it's still me, just...a new me! A happier me.

New media outlets:

Thrifty Finds!

What are some of your favorite thrift store finds?

I love shopping thrift for quite a few reasons - mainly, I'm in  between sizes since giving birth and am sooo not shelling out $80.00+ for a top that I don't intend on fitting me for more than a month or so. I do love shopping for jeans because I love that they're already a little broken in - on top of that fact that

I've found some amazingly expensive Levi's and other designer jeans for around $4.00! You can't beat that. A few months ago, I found a MICHAEL Michael Kors hand bag! That's probably been my most exciting find. Are you kidding me? It was in this little rinky dink thrift store covered with old cookie jars and outdated, worn out cookware. But on this rack of purses hiding behind some old Payless-brand American Eagle bags was this supple black leather bag. Mine mine mine. I paid four dollars for that as well. I found a retro/vintage Wrangler pearl. I love these pearls. While they are men's, the retro ones are in more woman-like colors. Think of the time - 60s and 70s were full of faded reds and bright pastels, even on men. I wear these with a belt and some leggings and boots and call it a good day. The pearls fit perfect over my bust. I've unfortunately never had the satisfaction of finding a cute button up and walking away without a poor little button snapping off and shooting little Jimmy's eye out. The curse of Ds?

Most recently I found a very stellar pair of black 80s Ariat cowboy boots for five dollars, and a pair of bad ass looking combat boots. They're black with this amazing looking hardware zipper on the back. Love them! And they're super warm, perfect for the impending nasty mid-west winter we're bound to have. If four and a half hours from me they already have 36" of snow...I'm doomed!

What have been some of your most favorite/lucky/luxurious..or even down right weird thrift store finds?

Stay tuned for a rather large...textually pleasing giveaway!